Monday, July 16, 2012

Kingsoft Antivirus 2012-Antivirus Gratis Yang bisa Membersihkan Virus Trojan dan Malware

Kingsoft Antivirus 2012 adalah antivirus gratis dan masih dalamversi beta dan sekarang bisa didownload gratis untuk PC Windows Anda. Perangkat lunak antivirus gratis akan mendeteksi dan membersihkan virus, trojan dan malware dari komputer Anda.

Pengguna komputer rata-rata tidak tahu berapa banyak virus trojan dan aplikasi spyware berbahaya sedang menunggu untuk menyerang sistem komputer. Seperti yang anda ketahui, trojan adalah virus yang mirip program dan tidak berbahaya tapi dilengkapi dengan kode yang memiliki kemampuan menghapus data dari komputer anda, selain menginstal adware atau bahkan spyware. Virus Trojan biasanya masuk ke komputer anda saat anda menerima email, download program atau sistem komputer operasi lain.

Kingsoft Antivirus 2012 Features

Virus Scan

Full Scan � Completely can all files stored on computer hard disk
Quick Scan � Scan system file folders and other sensitive areas, to block threats from viruses
Custom Scan � Scan location in your needs
USB Drive Scan � Block threats which spread through USB devices

Real-Time Defenses. Its Boundary Defense is quite efficient and requires less computer resources as compared to other antivirus, says the company.

IM Defense � Protecting users� computer security while chatting with IM software, like MSN, ICQ, AOL etc
Video Defense � Protect users� computer security while watching online videos
Download Shield � Block suspicious files away from being downloaded to computer
USB Defense � Block viruses which spread through removable USB drives.

System Defense

    Innovative �K+� computer security defense technique

Active Cloud Security Defense

Based on the two advanced computer security techniques, Kingsoft AntiVirus 2012 can efficiently protect your computer security against any security threat. In addition, this security software includes powerful heuristic security system and multi-point inherited virus detection system, to further prevent malicious attacks.

Internet Explorer Firewall

Block suspicious tampering behavior from malware to your browser settings and protects you from malicious hijacking and phishing attacks.


Checks system vulnerabilities which can be exploits by hackers and provides corresponding solutions. It also blocks malicious scans, remote control and other hacking activities.

Download Kingsoft Antivirus 2012

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